Keywords: Address quality, Data quality, Addresses, Address database, CRM, Duplicates, Postal address check, Address correction, Error-tolerant search, Integration, API, Software.

q.address Quality Server

The q.address Quality Server has the overall functionality of q.address. It is pro-vided with numerous Interfaces (APIs), via which q.address can certainly be integrated in your application as well – irrespective of the development environ-ment you work in. Also within q.address the q.address Quality Server provides the kernel functions to all the products and product variants.

The q.address Quality Server is the technological basis for all products and product variants. In addition to ready-to-use Add-ons for numerous standard products, there is a large number of interfaces (APIs) with which q.address can be integrated in almost every application – definitely in yours as well.


For the q.address Quality Server there are

  • Prepared integrations for standard products (add-ons), as well as
  • A large number of interfaces (APIs) with which q.address-functionality can be integrated in individual applications.

The prepared integrations are provided as add-ons or so called connectors. The installation is usually easy and the configuration is done via the comfortable user interface of q.address Quality Server (screenshow). The add-ons were realized for a series of standard products (Microsoft Dynamics, SAP) by ACS Informatik, the manufacturer of q.address. For numerous other applications the integration was realized by the respective software manufacturers themselves.  more…

A large number of interfaces (API) is available for users who wish to integrate q.address-Functionality in their applications, or for manufacturers who wish to integrate q.address in their products. The selection of suitable interfaces depends on the job definitions and objectives. Also in this case the configuration is done via the comfortable user interface of the q.address Quality Server (Screenshow).

Amongst others following interfaces are available:

  • Standard DLLs (for Linux/Unix: Shared Objects)
  • COM DLLs
  • .NET DLLs (Assemblies)
  • Java/RMI
  • ABAP/Java RFC (for SAP ERP, mySAP, SAP R/3)
  • Transact-SQL (for Microsoft SQL Server),
    PL/SQL (for Oracle), Progress OpenEdge,
  • Delphi, Gupta TeamDeveloper (GDT)
  • PHP, JavaScript, VBScript
  • q.address Web-Services (SOAP)  more…

There are more though less often used interfaces. Please contact us in case you are interested in an interface which is not mentioned here.    E-Mail…

Note: Not all interfaces are available for all platforms!


  • q.address Quality Server with numerous interfaces (see above)
  • q.address Quality Server with RMI-Interface for Java
  • q.address Web-Services (SOAP)

System environment

The q.address Quality Server and its APIs can be used on the following platforms:

  • Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 (32-Bit and 64-Bit-Version respectively)
  • Windows 2003 [R2], 2008 [R2] Server (32-Bit and die 64-Bit-Version respectively)
  • Linux (Debian, Red Hat, Suse, more on request)
  • FreeBSD
  • Unix (AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, more on request)

The q.address Quality Server runs on Windows-Platforms as NT-Service, on Linux- and Unix-Platforms as Daemon.