Keywords: address quality, data quality, Addresses, address database, CRM, ERP, error-tolerant address search, software.

Error-tolerant Address Search

Anyone who has ever worked with addresses knows how difficult it may be to retrieve an address in the database. If for instance the name “Estate Agency Osborne” is saved and a search is conducted for “Osbourn Real Estate” – then possibly the search could take very long!

q.address conducts searches error-tolerant and also locates tricky cases:

  • Phonetic errors like Ellie/Elly, Osborn/Osborne/Osbourne or Cerni/Tscherny
  • Typing errors like incorrect and jumbled letters or errors in the addresses (incorrect postal codes or wrong city- and street names)
  • Changed order of words which frequently appear in business addresses, for instance “Estate Agency Osborne” instead of “Osbourn Real Estate”
  • Abbreviations and acronyms like “WHO” for “World Health Organization”

q.address implements the same search technology like the interactive duplicate search. Incidentally directory search is also based on the same search technology and provides an impressive evidence for the search quality and speed.   more…

The error-tolerant q.address search substantially simplifies daily operation and should not be absent at any workstation.

Often the search for an address is comparable to trying to find a needle in a haystack. The above shown haystack has some 4.5 million culms, this is the amount of addresses any bigger address database is comprised of.

The error-tolerant q.address search substantially simplifies daily operation and should not be absent at any workstation.

These addresses can hardly be found without error-tolerant search technology.


Product name for the module error-tolerant search is “Advanced Search” (“AS”).

Error-tolerant search (Advanced Search) is available in:

  • q.address Integrations
  • q.address Quality Server
  • q.address Web-Services

Note: The error-tolerant search is also a technical basis for Telephone number search and Commercial register comparison.